Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday, 9-8-15
-Return Decimal TEST and note explaining how to improve grades
This is to inform you about how the sixth grade department grades and administers math tests. Students will be given a math test over each unit represented by one concept map and will be graded on each section of the concept map.  Therefore, students may receive three or more test grades from one test.  We use a grading scale similar to the TCAP state test.  For each skill, the students are given three to six problems of varying difficulty.  As long as they solve half of the problems correctly, they are considered to have mastered that skill. 
Students should take the responsibility of improving any test grade lower than a 90.  To improve a grade, students simply find the section in the textbook and do some extra work (at least 10 problems) to prove that they have practiced and mastered the skill.  Students should practice the areas they missed on the test by completing problems similar to those on the test.  Students should use the SL map and the test to locate the correct section of the textbook for help.  When students can show they are prepared to retake a test, they can retake that section of the test.  Students should see me about any questions or concerns about the material.
At the beginning of math class,  students may bring their practice to me so we can discuss whether or not they are ready to retake a test.  If so, I will allow them to retake just that section of the test to try and improve their grade.  If students score lower than their original grade, the newer lower grade will be recorded.  Students should be sure they are ready before they retake a test.  Test improvements must take place in the same quarter as the test.
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions. Holland_Lorrie@hcde.org

-Ratios Lesson 1 p. 7-9

Have parents sign parent letter on p. 1-2.  Do p. 7-8.  #6 is tough so try your best.